Thursday, January 27, 2011

Here's To My Favorite Author/Friends I've Never Met

This wave of technology whisks us into the life of a person, and sometimes the connection can become as tight as the fibers in an oriental tapestry.

Authors we randomly meet online, have admired from the bookshelf, or know only through the media, can now follow, like, fan, or friend us with a nano click of the mouse. I have several I count as treasured friends.

In the next few days/weeks, I plan to introduce some of them in my blog through a series of interviews. Now these are very busy people, so I'm working on their schedules and am grateful for their time.

Whether you are an established author or novice writer, I believe you'll find this an exciting opportunity to step into their private world of achievements and challenges.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Recently, I had some short stories published. THE CHEER OF AUTUMN was in the 2nd issue of Wired Ruby, an E-Zine. In their current issue you can find my humorous poem, WANNA TAKE A SWIM? Check out Wired Ruby at the link below.

Also, Angie's Diary published my story, A SQUIRRELLY CHRISTMAS! You can peruse this website at

I'd like to welcome you to take the time to read a little of my work. I'd love to hear your comments, too.

Writing & Makeup

Writing is a lot like applying makeup; sometimes less is more and sometimes you can't have enough. Lines, curves, shades, and shadows emerge from the creases and corners to produce a brilliant balance of beauty.

A pallet of color-tinted words can take the writer, or reader, to faraway countries, bustling cities, paradise islands, or to back wood forests where perhaps home-spun history has become legend.

A bristly brush inside the minds of characters who might, or might not be, real could bring a crimson blush or a heart-warming laugh. Brazen red lips, ebony curls, jade green eyes...which do you prefer? Pardon me while I powder my nose.